Wednesday 5 December 2012

Evening of Friday, 12th October

Highlights of our last supper!!

Our last dinner was at Le Pacifique Hotel, where we celebrated Julia's 16th birthday and finished off the Study Tour with a cultural floor show!!!!

Move those hips!!!!
"Ooh, I think I'm getting the hang of this!"

"One was manageable....... but THREE?!!!"

OUI, we do love Noumea!!

Our ride home, with the Flying Kangaroo.
Phew!! We made it. Au revoir!!

Friday, 12th October

Notre journée à l’île Amédée

Our fun-filled final day started early, when all the girls were dropped off with their luggage, back to the hotel, signifying the end of their Host family stay. We hopped on our coach to take us to Port Moselle, where the Mary D cruise boat was waiting to take us to l’île Amédée. The trip included a trip in the glass-bottomed boat, visiting the lighthouse, a sumptuous buffet lunch followed by Polynesian dancing and singing. In the afternoon, the group relaxed on the beach. Finalement!!!!

Madame Weberruss' final instructions!
A view of our cruise boat from the lighthouse. Note the
crystal clear water of the lagoon.
Happy campers on the glass-bottomed boat!

Relief after climbing the 247 steps of the lighthouse, with the wind in our hair.
Looking up at the spiral staircase
as we climb up the lighthouse.

Our talented boat crew was also the band on the day.

Drinks anyone??

Eagerly awaiting our delicious and bountiful lunch, we enjoyed
a refreshing drink served by one of the Polynesian dancers. 
Just a sample of the culinary delights we enjoyed!!!!!

Thursday, 11th October

 L'Aquarium des Lagons

We bid a sad farewell to CREIPAC language school today after the girls finished their last morning of French classes. Then we headed to Anse Vata by public transport for lunch and a visit to Noumea's Aquarium des Lagons.

The girls enjoy the view on Anse Vata beach before walking to
l'Aquarium des Lagons.
Our guide, Jeremy, meets the group in the entrance to the Aquarium.

Some of the group enjoying one of the exhibits.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

On fait des courses

As we're nearing the end of our Study Tour en Nouvelle Calédonie, we thought the girls needed some time to navigate around centre-ville and discover what Nouméa has to offer! It was also an opportunity to find some souvenirs to take back home to families. They have certainly learnt the difference between 'à gauche' and 'à droite'! They used their maps to get around in groups, withdraw/change money from ATMs, order lunch and drinks, buy sorbets and do some shopping. Not only did they have a good time, they were responsible, looked after each other and arrived at the rendez-vous punctually. Ouf!... Nous étions très fatiguées!

 The girls examine their maps of Nouméa carefully before setting off on their discovery tour of centre-ville.

      Enjoying lunch in a public square - 
      Place de la Marne - mixing it with the            locals!

Making plans for their shopping expedition in the afternoon.

Et un mot de Kasia.....
Today was our seventh day in Nouvelle-Caledonie. We started off our day by going to our penultimate CREIPAC classes.  
In the afternoon we split into groups of five or more and set out into the streets of Noumea, searching for gifts to buy for ourselves and our families. Some very interesting things were bought! The weather was extremely warm, and we were happy to buy icecream and nice cool drinks. We are very excited for tomorrow when we are going to the beach and aquarium!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Quelques mots de Madison & Brittany

What's up, parents??
We're having an amazing time here in New Cal. This is our fourth day of classes and I think everyone is now realising how much French we actually know! On our breaks we are working on our tans and drinking Orangina.
Tomorrow, we are going to the Aquarium des Lagons and then lying on the beach. On Friday, we're going to Amedee Lighthouse. It should be great and it is also Julia's birthday!!!
From all the girls XOXO

Notre visite au Centre Culturel Tjibaou

Our two and a half hour visit to the Tjibaou cultural centre was an informative and interesting experience of the Kanak and Pacific islander cultures. We were given a very comprehensive guided tour by Gladys, through the Chemin Kanak, which traced the development of a person’s life and then inside the centre for a look at the exhibits.

There are special programs at the cultural centre for primary school children...3000 were in attendance...and they are accomodated in onsite residences.

Ellie & Liliana stand in front of the Chief's Hut, the
only hut that females have been permitted to enter.

Travelling by public bus with the locals. The people
 of Nouvelle-Caledonie have been very welcoming
and helpful.

There's an influx of tourists with the arrival of a
P & O cruise ship in Noumea.

Monday 8 October 2012

lundi, le 8 octobre 2012
Our day started with French classes at CREIPAC. Once in centre-ville in early afternoon, the girls had a 'gourmet' lunch at Macdo and then we took them on a walking tour of Noumea's Musee, le supermarche and they even got to purchase their own bus tickets at 'la billetterie'.

Here are some photos of the girls hard at work in their classrooms. This group is working with Jean-Pierre for the week.

Here's the other classroom led by Anne.