Wednesday 10 October 2012

On fait des courses

As we're nearing the end of our Study Tour en Nouvelle Calédonie, we thought the girls needed some time to navigate around centre-ville and discover what Nouméa has to offer! It was also an opportunity to find some souvenirs to take back home to families. They have certainly learnt the difference between 'à gauche' and 'à droite'! They used their maps to get around in groups, withdraw/change money from ATMs, order lunch and drinks, buy sorbets and do some shopping. Not only did they have a good time, they were responsible, looked after each other and arrived at the rendez-vous punctually. Ouf!... Nous étions très fatiguées!

 The girls examine their maps of Nouméa carefully before setting off on their discovery tour of centre-ville.

      Enjoying lunch in a public square - 
      Place de la Marne - mixing it with the            locals!

Making plans for their shopping expedition in the afternoon.

Et un mot de Kasia.....
Today was our seventh day in Nouvelle-Caledonie. We started off our day by going to our penultimate CREIPAC classes.  
In the afternoon we split into groups of five or more and set out into the streets of Noumea, searching for gifts to buy for ourselves and our families. Some very interesting things were bought! The weather was extremely warm, and we were happy to buy icecream and nice cool drinks. We are very excited for tomorrow when we are going to the beach and aquarium!


  1. How glorious the place looks (and how glorious you all look in your lovely summer clothes). Today in Mentone it felt as if snow was in the air. Enjoy your last days! Nice to see your post, Kasia.
